Skunk Cabbage CLOSE Up

Skunk Cabbage Flower, March 29, 2006. For this shot, I used my Nikon Micro 200 mm lens along with my Tamron 1.7 teleconverter. This combination of optics got me CLOSER to any skunk cabbage flower than I have ever been able to get to before. However, depth of field was a little shallow, so I cranked "up" my f-stop to f-29, thus making the aperature about as small as I ever make it, maximizing the depth of field. Compared to f-22, which I usually use for closeup work like this, I could see the that this shot was better. The flowers toward the left edge of the "ball" are in pretty good focus with f-29, but were a little too fuzzy when using f-22.
I got this photo while visiting my friends in Floyd County, VA. See below for another favorite shot that I got there today. After photographing these cabbages for a while, I went over to the Blue Ridge Parkway, pickig it up at mile 155 and heading south to Maybry Mill. I found more skunk cabbages there, and will post photos of them later (see above).
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