Closeup of Mountain Laurel Flower

Mountain Laurel, June 7, 2005
This is NOT my favorite photograph of Mountain Laurel, but I include it here to show the interesting geometrical pattern and colorful design of the flower. The wide open flower (left) is about the size of a nickel. Five petals appear to join together to form a pentagon. For each petal, there are two bright red stamen. I think it's interesting, the way the buds (right) are darker pink near their tips.
You're thoughts have struck me dead in my tracks. I simply must acknowledge you and your greatness.
Lovely picture.
Very nice. A perfect umbrella!
Very nice picture !
Thank you to everyone who left a comment about this picture. And to think that I said it was not my favorite photo. I almost decided NOT to include it, but now I am glad I did. I also checked each of your websites just for fun. I had no idea that people unfamilar to me were actually checking out my site. I was especially thrilled to see that "Canadian Dude" has chosen my website as his best random blog pick for the day! THANKS.
This is a very nice peaceful site. In England we do not have such dramatic seasonal changes as you do over the other side of the Atlantic. Although climatic changes are bringing forward the possibility. There was an interesting article in the British newspaper the Guardian recently which described the blogging phenomenon which you seem to be at the forefront of - you may be able to find it on the web. Best wishes.
To Island Monkey and all others who have written comments, THANKS. I am surprised that the comments all seem to be appearing under a photo that isn't really all that special to me. I guess that will teach me to stop analyzing my photos so much, and just enjoy them and post them. I have learned some new things this week, and only just over one week since I started this whole website!!!
I just checked your site again and I really enjoyed it.
In England now the weather is changing and the light is very dramatic but it's a very mild autumn/winter.
The types of flowers and landscape you reveal here are so different and it makes it fascinating - as well as the stunning pictures. Keep going with your site...very nice...
Thanks again. I appreciate your comments. I have been trying to make regular updates, at least once per week, and more often if I have gone on a photography trip or had time to go back to my photos from spring. Since I just started shooting "digital" last year, I have decided to start my website with digital images. Eventually I will go back to my slides, too... It may be a while before I get to that.
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