Mabry Mill in mid September

Mabry Mill, Sept 15, 2005
I discovered Mabry Mill on June 7, 2005--toward the end of the woodland wildflower blooming season. It is located on the east side of the Blue Ridge Parkway, near mile marker 175. I have been there several times since then just to check things out, including one day when the rain was coming down like a waterfall! I like to look at how the light on the mill varies depending on the time of day and weather conditions. On this day, I caught some late morning light. Eventually I need to try and get there at dawn. I am planning to return to this part of the parkway in late winter to check on some of the earliest wildflowers that bloom. Skunk cabbage, which grows well in boggy and wet habitats, grows nearby and I am eager to find more opportunities to photograph it. In addition to skunk cabbages, there are several other species of wildflowers as well as several species of ferns. And though I love the spring woodland landscape, I also love the fall. You can expect to see a variety of "fall color" shots here on this website during the next couple months.
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