Large-Flowered Trillium

Large-Flowered Trillium, April 11, 2005
Though nowadays I shoot using a Nikon D-70 digital camera, which imitates the format of 35mm film camera, I still sometimes like to shoot a SQUARE image. Well, thanks to photo editing, I can compose my "square image" inside the camera's rectangular view finder, and then later I can modify the shape of the frame. This photo started as a horizontal rectangle (wider than high), with a lot of wasted space on either side. However, if I were to shoot this flower again, I think I would try a vertical rectangle, just to see whether I could include more of the stem, and maybe even the soil where the flower stands.
A lush woodland forest has many types of trilliums, all of whom have a similar design. One flower rises from the middle of whorl of three leaves. The plant can be just a few inches (10 cm) tall, as with snow trillium, or it can 12 inches or more (1/3 + meter), as with large-flowered trillium, shown here. Trillium flowers can be white, maroon-red, or even yellow! The white-flowered trilliums start off with snowy white petals, but the petals become deeper and deeper pink as the days go by. After several days, the petals begin to turn brown and old, and eventually they drop off.
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