Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Hepatica in the Smokies

Last week, Hepatica was blooming on the Cove Hardwood Forest trail near Chimney Tops Picnic area. I got this photo on March 9th. It was late in the day, a couple hours before sunset, and it was full sun. I normally would have diffused a shot like this to avoid too much contrast, but the light was just weak enough that I think it "works" as is. I like the way the sun reflects off the petal and shows the texture of the petal. This is the natural color, just as I saw it that day.
I got this photo on March 8th on my way to the Greenbriar area (also toward the trail for Ramsey Cascade). I got a similar shot in late April of last year, and I like comparing them.
Here is the forest a bit further down the road, closer to the start of Greenbriar Trail. I plan to return later this season to get more shots for the sake of comparison. I love to see how the forsest changes each spring!
This was also March 8, near the trail to Ramsey Cascade. This trillium will eventually unwrap its leaves to reveal a yellow flower. Its Latin name is Trillium luteum. Again, even though it was full sun that day, it was close enough to sunrise that the sunlight was not too intense.


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