Fall Color Along Little River Road

Fall Color, October 23, 2005
Down at the lower altitudes of the Smokies, fall color was just starting to arrive. From time to time, one branch would appear more orange or red than the others around it. I decided to photograph this set of branches just after photographing the rocks on Little River. I happened to turn around and notice that the sun was striking these branches from the side, and since it was only about 9:30 AM, the sunlight was still a little warm and not too harsh. I like the way the sun kind of helps make the leaves glow just a little, and the way it lights the sides of the tree trunks too. I like the way the trunks kind of lean into the frame, rather than standing completely vertical. I did not tilt the camera to achieve this look. I used a "double bubble" (level) to make sure that the frame would be level. Whenever I shoot any type of scenery, I try to remember to use the level.
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