Taking a Cat Nap

Striped Tabby Cat, 1993
Back in Iowa, my cat used to love to take afternoon naps in a "sun spot" beside the west-facing window of my old farmhouse. She would curl up on a small chair and sleep. One day I decided that I just had to have a picture of her in this spot. And though mostly I was a wildflower photographer at the time, I had this great idea of filling the frame with her fur--something I had never done before. I am glad I did because this is one of my favorite shots of my beloved cat.
I have been talking with some photographer friends about digital images, particularly such topics as file size (megabytes, kilobytes) and pixels per inch (ppi). I have learned a few things that have caused me to reconsider how I go about getting pictures ready for the website and printing, which means I will need to slow my pace for a while as I learn more about this. Apparently, a good image on line needs to have about 72 ppi, but should have a pretty good file size if you want to see the details clearly. For printing, of course, the ppi needs to be much higher. With printing in mind, I have been saving my images at much higher ppi and at various file sizes too--depending on my utimate plan for the image. This will explain why some pictures look better when you click on them to see an enlargment, and other pictures do not. Etc etc.
I could continue to explain this stuff, but that would be like first grader trying to explain calculus! I think I will take a day off from adding pictures to the website and will work on increasing my knowledge of how to best work with digital images. Please return later this week, when I hope to have more great images to share.
That's a great "cat" shot. You can almost see the reflection of the sun in the fur coat.
Thanks. I love that cat even though she has been gone for more than seven years. I am glad to have this interesting photo that continually reminds me of her.
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