Misty Fall Color at Mountain Lake

Mountain Lake, Oct. 25, 2005
I posted this photo nearly two months ago, but I had reason to work with the image file again this week and decided to repost it. In the past, I had been using Nikon Capture software to conver the Nikon file into a JPEG for printing and posting on line. Lately, I have been using Photoshop CS2. After comparing the image I generated this week with the image from October, I decided to repost the image beause this one has a somewhat different feel. The main difference between now and then is that I have started to use a process called sharpening to make the image more crisp and clear. It is kind of like fine-tuning the focus, even though the original focus was sharp. Something about digital images causes them to fuzz up a bit, so "sharpening" is the process by which the data is fixed. Sorry I cannot explain it better.
Anyway, back to the photo itself. I love the way the fog kind of slips between the orange tree and the trees behind it.
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