Saturday, June 02, 2007


I found this newt yesterday after photographing a waterfall. I was walking along the trail and couldn't help but see the BRIGHT orange "lizard shaped thing" in the middle of the trail. I stopped to set up the tripod and put the 200 mm micro lens on my D200 camera body. As I prepared to photograph the newt, I was pleased to see that the newt crawled up on a nice smooth gray rock. It was a much better background than the twig-cluttered dirt on the trail. But yes, the newt is on a rock in the woods, not a step. As I continued to work, the newt continued to move, but slowly. My exposures were in the 4 second range, so I was glad that the newt was taking his/her time. By the time I finished up, the newt was safely OFF the trail.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nifty shot! Here in Pennsylvania, they are often found in damp leaf debris below oak trees, after a rainfall. Every once in a while, I'll spot one perched on a low stump, catching mites with it's dart-like tongue. I tried to capture the spectacle, but never had the timing right.

9:49 PM  
Blogger Carol said...

Thanks John!

11:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

excellent color and focus, a very nice shot!

8:46 PM  
Blogger Carol said...

Thanks for your comment about this shot and the other. I hope you have a chance to check my other website called
You can also find a graphic with my direct email address in case you want to write directly to me.
I have been doing sunrise shots recently (south carolina) over the atlantic. It is a new challenge. and I also spent time in Cogaree Nat Forest (a swamp) near Charleston, SC. I might post a few shots now that you got me thinking about this website again.

9:10 PM  

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