Friday, April 16, 2010

Wildflower Pilgrimage in Gatlinburg, TN

I am heading to Gatlinburg, TN this weekend for the 60th Annual Wildflower Pilgrimage. If you surf on line under "Wildflower Pilgrimage" and "Gatlinburg" you should find it. It's run by the Great Smoky Mountain Association. I will be doing two presentations on Wed, April 21, one on wildflower photography and the other on wildflowers.
Sorry I have neglected my blog this spring. I had high hopes of keeping up to date but some stuff happened with my extended family and I was totally distracted by it. However, I can say this: Lots of stuff is currently blooming, including dutchman's breeches and Virginia blue bell. Bloodroot is probably done. Same with hepatica and snow trillium. I am sure that spring beauty is well underway and will be blooming for another week or two (trailing off) here in eastern Iowa. The Smokies are ahead of eastern Iowa and so spring beauty is probably gone. Wild ginger is up, as are many of the Solomon Seal type flowers and trilliums.


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