Christmas Fern Under Snow

Christmas Fern, Oct. 25, 2005
As I ascended the Bald Knob Trail, the snow got deeper and deeper. It was very exciting to me because I had no idea this morning that I would be taking a walk through the snow.
This Christmas Fern frond attracted my attention because it reminds me of the image of a dinosaur's fossilized backbone. I also like the way the frond in the back left corner kind of imitates the shape of the primary subject. Since Christmas Fern is an evergreen, it is not unusual to see one of its fronds burried by snow.
Great shot! Brrr... Looks cold! :)
Yes, it was cold!!! But I was having such a great time on this uphill adventure that I didn't mind. The downhill trip seemed a little colder, but still it was fun! I plan to return to Mountain Lake a number of times this year, now that I have finally discovered it.
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