Frosty Twig on Bald Knob Trail

Frosty Branch, Oct. 25, 2005
This was a difficult shot due to the strong wind, which kept wiggling this frosty stick--moving it in and out of the frame, and in and out of focus. But I set up the camera on the tripod and waited for a lull. Then I crossed my fingers and pressed the remote control device. I tried several shots, and I like this one best.
As I walked up the trail, I enjoyed the sight of frost covered branches everywhere I looked. It reminded me of the way tree branches look shortly after a snowfall. It was a peaceful scene, except for the bone-chilling wind.
This stick is about the diameter of a pencil, so you can get the idea that I was up pretty close for this shot. Of course I used my 200 mm micro lens. I was lucky to catch this image when the branch was holding still because I used an apperature of f-20 at 1/15 second.
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